Tag: saltwater fish


The Wahoo is a species of Spanish mackerel in the Scombridae family. Other members of the family include tuna, bonito, mackerel, and more. Researchers...

Oil Fish

The Oil Fish, also known as the “Oilfish,” is a species of fish known as a “snake mackerel,” which lives in tropical and temperate...


A Goby is any number of different fish species in the taxonomic order Gobiiformes. Researchers recognize at least 1,875 different species and classify them...


Escolar is a species of fish in the Gempylidae family. Other members of the family include the snoek and other snake mackerels. Researchers recognize...


People refer to several different species of fish as “Hake.” Researchers place these fish in the Merlucciidae family along with grenadiers. Though researchers recognize 18...


A Coley is a species of pollock in the taxonomic genus Pollachius. People simply refer to the other member of the genus, P. pollachius,...


The Haddock is a species of fish in the Gadidae family. Other members of the family include cod, pollock, whiting, and more. Like other...


The Pollock is a group of fish in the taxonomic genus Pollachius. The genus contains two species, P. pollachius and P. virens, both of...


A Cod is any of three species in the taxonomic genus Gadus. The Atlantic, Pacific, and Greenland Cod make up the group. The Atlantic...


A Dory is a fish in the Zeidae family. People also refer to some other fish in the taxonomic order Zeidae as “dories.” However,...

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