Tag: rodent

Prairie Dog

Contrary to what their name might suggest, the Prairie Dog is a rodent, not a dog. These creatures are members of the Sciuridae, or...


The Groundhog, or woodchuck, is a large rodent in the Sciuridae, or squirrel, family. This species lives throughout much of North America. They are...


The Chipmunk is a small, easily recognizable rodent in the squirrel, or Sciuridae, family. They are part of the ground squirrel, or Marmotini, tribe....

Black Rat

The Black Rat is the smaller cousin of the brown rat. This species, a member of the taxonomic order Rodentia, is distantly related to...


The Gerbil is a small member of the rodent family. Some of their closest relatives include the house mouse, brown rat, spiny mouse, and...

Deer Mouse

The Deer Mouse is a small rodent in the taxonomic genus Peromyscus. Researchers recognize at least 57 different species of deer mice. These little...


The Muskrat is a mid-sized rodent that originates in North America. Humans have introduced this species into Eurasia and South America as well, where...


The Agouti is a relatively small rodent that lives in Central and South America. Researchers recognize 11 different species. They place all of these...


A Mara is any number of species in the Caviidae family. Some of their closest relatives include Guinea pigs and capybaras. These creatures are...


The Gopher, also known as the Pocket Gopher, is a small rodent that lives in Central and North America. They are best-known for their...

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