Norwegian Buhund

The Norwegian Buhund may be foreign to most of those outside Scandinavia. However, these dogs fall in the familiar design of many Nordic dogs. Devoted yet wickedly athletic, the Buhund can make a brilliant pet for an athletic owner. Their compact size, falling somewhere between a small and medium dog, is another bonus. Read on to learn more about the Norwegian Buhund.

Description of the Norwegian Buhund

This breed is sleek and athletic. They are known for their thick double coats, which can give them the appearance of miniature wolves or maybe even lions. However, their coats are often a pretty wheaten color, which quickly differentiates them. Buhunds also come in black and may have black or white markings.

One look into their friendly eyes gives away their true personality. They are bright and undeniably smart.

It is believed that these ancient dogs sailed with the Vikings. Quite the romantic notion, and there probably is at least some truth to the stories. However, the Buhund also served an important role at home. They made dedicated guards and herders.

Life Expectancy and Size

These dogs have a promising life expectancy. They are quite health dogs. In fact, many live between 12 and 15 years, as much has many small breeds.

They are small to medium-sized dogs, standing between 16 and 19 inches at the shoulder. Although muscular, they do not carry a lot of weight. Most Buhunds weigh between 26 and 40 pounds.

Protective Ability

Despite their wild visage and protective past, the Buhund is not the best guard dog. They are too friendly. With such easygoing personalities, they are more likely to lick intruders than chase them off.

This does not mean that the dogs are not loyal. They tend to bond strongly with humans, and many take their watchdog duties seriously. Some Buhunds may bark quite a bit more than their owners appreciate.


Like many intelligent dogs, it is important to show the Buhund why he should behave. Clearly state what it is you would like him to do and make listening the best option. To do this, provide lots of positive reinforcement. Treats can also be a great way to motivate the Buhund.

Some Buhunds have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. There are simply too many exciting things to pay attention to! Keep sessions short to help with their attention span.

Consider in which environments training works best. Limit distractions while learning new skills and work toward more complex surroundings.

Energy Level

These dogs are high energy. They need to receive at least some daily exercise. Otherwise, they may begin to bounce off the walls. It is important to stimulate both mind and body with a Buhund. They enjoy having jobs.

However, once the workday is over, this breed usually calms right down. Many are able to lounge around the house just fine when you meet their exercise needs.

What Living with a Norwegian Buhund is Like

It can be very enjoyable to live with a Norwegian Buhund. They make great companions for active owners. These dogs are generally friendly with other dogs and humans.

Although the Buhund is not the most hyperactive breed, they can be rambunctious especially when bored. This is especially true of younger dogs. They definitely aren’t couch potatoes!

These dogs do not have too many behavior or health issues, and have long life expectancies. The problems they do have tend to stem from too little exercise or activity.

Care of the Norwegian Buhund

These dogs can make lovable members in many kinds of families without too much extra care required.

Environmental Needs

Obviously, the ability to work in the cold was part of the Buhunds’ breeding. They can exist in warmer climates too, as well as most types of weather. When provided basic necessities, these dogs are quite easy going.

Exercise Needs

This breed likes to work, especially with other dogs or humans. Biking or running may be good options for owners so inclined. They are hardy dogs that can stand up to long hikes and the like. Some individuals enjoy and excel at doggie sports like agility.

Keeping the athletes occupied should be a priority. Otherwise, they may resort to destructive tendencies. Daily activities do not need to be exhaustive, but Buhunds should have at least some chance to stretch their legs.

Shedding and Grooming

These dogs’ beautiful coats are surprisingly low maintenance. They are generally quite clean, and some people think they don’t smell as bad as some other well-meaning pups.

However, Buhunds do shed. During a couple periods each year, they may shed profusely. It can help to brush them regularly when this happens to remove as much excess hair as possible.

Of course, they also need regular maintenance, including attention to their eyes, ears, and teeth. Make sure to clip their nails so that pain does not interfere with their ability to run around.

Ideal Home Environment

These dogs are adaptable at the core. Many Buhunds could be happy in a city if they got to be active and productive for at least a couple hours per day. They’re the perfect choice for an athlete.

Buhunds sometimes suffer separation anxiety. They do not do well when left home alone all day.

They may be good with well-behaved children. In general, they love other dogs.

Health Concerns

This breed is quite healthy.

The most common issues they face is with their joints and eyes. Maintaining these dogs’ fitness levels and ensuring that they do not become obese is very important.

Behavior Problems

Most behavior problems arise when the Buhunds are bored or lonely. They may institute destructive behaviors like barking or chewing. Remember to provide them significant exercise and social time.